Old Slavonic polyphony of the Passion service

by Chronos Ensemble

Today the Master and the Lord of Creation standeth before Pilate; today the Maker of all things hath been given up to the Cross, and of His own will He hath been led as a lamb to the slaughter. He who bedewed the wilderness with manna hath been transfixed with nails; His side hath been pierced, and a sponge with vinegar put to His lips. The Redeemer of the world hath been struck upon the face, and the Creator of all hath been mocked by His own servants. How great is the Master’s love for mankind! For those who crucified Him, He prayed to His Father, saying: ‘Forgive them this sin, for they know not what they do.’
The council of the Jews hasteneth to assemble, to deliver the Fashioner and Creator of all over to Pilate. O transgressors, O unbelievers! For they make ready to surrender unto judgment Him who cometh to judge the living and the dead; they prepare the Passion of Him who healeth the passions. Great is Thy mercy, O longsuffering Lord: glory be to Thee.
Today the veil of the temple is rent in twain, reproving the transgressors; and the sun hideth its rays, seeing the Master crucified. Verse: The kings of the earth stood up, and the rulers took counsel against the Lord, and against His Anointed One Thou wast led as a sheep to the slaughter, O Christ our King, and as an innocent Lamb Thou wast nailed to the Cross by wicked men for our sins, in Thy love for mankind. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Suffering the transgressors to take hold of Thee, Thou didst cry aloud O Lord: ‘Even though ye smite the Shepherd and scatter the twelve sheep, My disciples, I could summon more than twelve legions of angels. But in My patience I forbear, that the hidden secrets I made known to you through My prophets may be fulfilled.’ O Lord, glory be to Thee.
When the transgressors nailed Thee, O Lord of glory, onto the Cross, Thou didst cry aloud to them: ‘How have I grieved you? Or angered you? Before Me, who hath delivered you from tribulations? And how do ye now repay Me? Ye have given Me evil For good: in return for the pillar of fire, ye have nailed Me onto the Cross; in return for the cloud in the wilderness, ye have dug a grave for Me. Instead of manna, ye have given Me gall; instead of water, ye have given Me vinegar to drink. Henceforth I shall call the Gentiles, and they shall glorify Me together with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
For fear of the Jews, Thy friend and companion Peter denied Thee, O Lord, and weeping bitterly he cried aloud: ‘Ignore not my tears in silence, O compassionate One; for I said I would keep the faith, but did not keep it.’ Accept also our repentance and have mercy upon us. Verse: Give ear to my words, O Lord; attend to my cry. Before (glossolalia "Ne-Hebuve") Thy precious Cross, O Lord, the soldiers mocked Thee, and the noetic hosts were struck with wonder. For Thou who hast adorned the earth with flowers wast arrayed in a crown of shame; and Thou who hast arrayed the firmament with clouds wast adorned in a robe of mockery. Thus in Thy loving providence, O Christ, Thou hast made known Thy compassionate goodness and great mercy: glory be to Thee.
The whole of creation was transformed by fear, when it saw Thee, O Christ, hanging upon the Cross. The sun was darkened and the foundations of the earth were shaken; all things suffered with the Creator of all. Of Thine own will Thou hast endured this for our sakes: O Lord, glory be to Thee.
Glory to the Father ... Amen. When Thou wast led to the Cross, O Lord, Thou didst cry aloud: ‘For what deed do ye seek to crucify Me, O ye Jews? Is it because I made your paralyzed to walk, because I raised the dead as though from sleep? I healed her that had an issue of blood, and I took pity on the Canaanite woman: for what deed do ye seek to kill Me, O ye Jews? But, O ye transgressors, ye shall look on Christ Whom now ye pierce.’
Today He who hath suspended the earth upon the waters is hung upon the Cross He who is the King of the heavenly hosts hath been arrayed in a crown of thorns. He who wrapeth the heaven in clouds hath now been wrapped in the purple of mockery. He who in the river Jordan set Adam free receiveth blows upon His face. The Bridegroom of the Church is transfixed with nails. The Son of the Virgin is pierced with a spear. We venerate Thy Passion, O Christ we venerate Thy Passion, O Christ we venerate Thy Passion, O Christ Show us also Thy glorious Resurrection.
Thus sayeth the Lord unto the Jews: ‘O My people, what have I done unto you? Or wherein have I wearied you? I gave light to your blind and cleansed your lepers, I raised up the man who lay upon his bed. O My people, what is it that have I done unto you, and how have you repaid Me? Instead of manna you give Me gall, instead of water vinegar; instead of loving Me, you nail Me to the Cross. I can endure no more. I shall call My Gentiles and they shall glorify Me with the Father and the Spirit; and I shall bestow upon them life eternal.’ Verse: They gave Me gall to eat: and in My thirst they gave Me vinegar to drink. O ye lawgivers of Israel, Jews and Pharisees, the company of the apostles doth cry aloud to you: Behold the Temple that ye have destroyed; behold the Lamb that ye have crucified. Ye gave Him over to the tomb, but by His own power He hath arisen. Be not deceived, O ye Jews: for this is He who saved you in the sea and fed you in the wilderness. He is the Life and Light and Peace of the world.
Why doth the wicked and transgressing people imagine vain things? Why have they condemned the Life of all to death? O great wonder! The Creator of the world hath been delivered into the hands of lawless men, and He who loveth mankind hath been raised upon the Cross, that He may free the prisoners in Hades, who cry aloud: O long-suffering Lord, glory be to Thee.
Glory to the Father ... Amen. Come, O ye Christ-bearing people, let us see what Judas the traitor hath plotted with the lawless priests against our Savior. Today they judge the immortal Word guilty of death: they deliver Him to Pilate and crucify Him on Golgotha. And our Savior suffering these things, cried aloud, saying: ‘Father, Forgive them this sin, that the Gentiles may know My Resurrection from the dead.’
Come, let us bless Joseph of eternal memory, who came by night to Pilate and begged for the Life of all: "Give me this Stranger, Who has no place to lay His head! Give me this Stranger Whom an evil disciple betrayed to death! Give me this Stranger Whom His mother saw hanging upon the cross, and with a mother's sorrow cried, weeping: 'Woe is me, O my Child. Light of mine eyes and beloved of my bosom! For what Simeon foretold in the temple now has come to pass: a sword has pierced my heart, but change my grief to gladness by Thy resurrection.'" We worship Thy passion, O Christ! We worship Thy passion, O Christ! We worship Thy passion, O Christ! And Thy holy resurrection!
Strange was the wonder, to see the Creator of heaven and earth hanging upon the Cross. The sun darkened and the day changed again into night, and the earth gave up the bodies of the dead from within their tombs. Save us who with them worship Thee. Verse: They parted My garments among them, and upon My vesture did they cast lots. When the transgressors nailed Thee, O Lord of glory, onto the Cross, Thou didst cry aloud to them: ‘How have I grieved you? Or angered you? Before Me, who hath delivered you from tribulations? And how do ye now repay Me? Ye have given Me evil For good: in return for the pillar of fire, ye have nailed Me onto the Cross; in return for the cloud in the wilderness, ye have dug a grave for Me. Instead of manna, ye have given Me gall; instead of water (glossolalia "Habuva"), ye have given Me vinegar to drink. Henceforth I shall call the Gentiles, and they shall glorify Me together with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Seeing Thee hanging on the Cross, O Christ the Creator and God of all, Thy Virgin Mother bitterly cried aloud: ‘O my Son, where is the comeliness of Thy form to be found? I cannot bear to look upon Thee as one unjustly crucified. Make haste, then, to arise, that I also may see Thy third day Resurrection from the dead.’
Glory to the Father ... Amen. Today He who hath suspended the earth upon the waters is hung upon the Cross He who is the King of the heavenly hosts hath been arrayed in a crown of thorns. He who wrapeth the heaven in clouds hath now been wrapped in the purple of mockery. He who in the river Jordan set Adam free receiveth blows upon His face. The Bridegroom of the Church is transfixed with nails. The Son of the Virgin is pierced with a spear. We venerate Thy Passion, O Christ we venerate Thy Passion, O Christ we venerate Thy Passion, O Christ Show us also Thy glorious Resurrection.
Weep not for Me, O Mother, beholding in the tomb the Son Whom thou hast conceived without seed in the womb; for I shall arise and shall be glorified, and as God I shall exalt with glory unceasing those that with faith and love magnify thee.
O Thou, who arrayest Thyself with light as with a garment; was taken down from the Tree by Joseph with Nicodemus, and looking upon Thee dead, stripped naked, and without burial, in his grief and tender compassion he lamented, saying: ‘Woe is me, my sweetest Jesus, when but a short while ago the sun saw Thee hanging on the Cross, it clothed itself in darkness: the earth quaked with fear and the veil of the temple was rent in twain. And now I see Thee Who for my sake hath willingly submitted to death. How shall l bury Thee, O my God? How shall I wrap Thee in a winding sheet? How shall l touch Thy most pure body with my hands? What funeral lament shall I sing to Thee, O compassionate One? I magnify Thy sufferings; I sing the praises of Thy burial and Thy Resurrection, crying: O Lord, glory be to Thee.’
Today, O Word, the most pure Virgin beheld Thee hanging upon the Cross; and with a mother’s love she lamented, her heart bitterly wounded. She groaned in anguish from the depth of her soul, and in her grief she struck at her face and tore at her hair. And, beating her breast, she cried aloud: ‘Woe is me, O my divine Child! Woe is me, Thou Light of the world! Why dost Thou vanish from my sight, O Lamb of God?’ Upon which the hosts of bodiless powers seized with trembling, said: ‘O Lord beyond all understanding, glory be to Thee.’
O Thou, who arrayest Thyself with light as with a garment; was taken down from the Tree by Joseph with Nicodemus, and looking upon Thee dead, stripped naked, and without burial, in his grief and tender compassion he lamented, saying: ‘Woe is me, my sweetest Jesus, when but a short while ago the sun saw Thee hanging on the Cross, it clothed itself in darkness: the earth quaked with fear and the veil of the temple was rent in twain. And now I see Thee Who for my sake hath willingly submitted to death. How shall l bury Thee, O my God? How shall I wrap Thee in a winding sheet? How shall l touch Thy most pure body with my hands? What funeral lament shall I sing to Thee, O compassionate One? I magnify Thy sufferings; I sing the praises of Thy burial and Thy Resurrection, crying: O Lord, glory be to Thee.’
Standing here today near the Cross, You, the Most Holy Mother, induce your affective cry and your sweetest voice: "Oh, the Illustrious light, the Eterne dawning, my Best Son, the Sweetest graciousness, my Dearest shine, where has Your flickering and ever-burning beauty faded? Where is Your delightsome gaze now? Oh, God's wisdom and the Sweetness of the church, what I see here is a terrific vision. Oh, the Greatest light, the sweetest Jesus, my beloved Son, where has Your genialness disappeared? It is so grievous, my sunshine, my precious divine goodness, Christ the King, when I see you being crucified. Oh, the brightest sun, hide your gleam when you see your Maker suffering unjustly here today. Oh, dear Joseph, take the Body of Jesus and put It into the Holy Sepulchre which is sculpted. Where is Your sweetest look, Your sweetest graciousness? How can I entomb You, my Son, if You are ever living and eternal?"
Glory to Thee Who hast shown us the light! Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will among men. We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we worship Thee, we glorify Thee, we give thanks to Thee for Thy great glory. O Lord, heavenly King, God the Father Almighty; and, O Lord, the only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ; and O Holy Spirit. O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sin of the world; have mercy on us; Thou that takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; Thou that sittest at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For Thou only art holy; Thou only art the Lord, O Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father. Amen. Every day will I bless Thee, and I will praise Thy Name forever, yea, forever and ever. Vouchsafe, O Lord, to keep us this day without sin. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, the God of our fathers, and praised and glorified is Thy name unto the ages. Amen. Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as we have hoped in Thee. Blessed art Thou, O Lord, teach us Thy statutes. Blessed art Thou, O Master, give us understanding of Thy statutes. Lord, Thou hast been our refuge in generation and generation. I said: O Lord, have mercy on me, heal my soul, for I have sinned against Thee. O Lord, unto Thee have I fled for refuge; teach me to do Thy will, for Thou art my God. For in Thee is the fountain of life, in Thy light shall we see light. O continue Thy mercy unto them that know Thee. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (thrice) Glory to the Father ... Amen. Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.
Let all mortal flesh keep silence, and stand with fear and trembling; and let it take no thought for any earthly thing. For the King of Kings and Lord of Lords draweth near to be sacrificed and given as food to the faithful. Before Him go the choirs of angels with all the principalities and powers, the many-eyed cherubim and the six-winged seraphim, who cover their faces as they sing this hymn: Alleluia.
Let all mortal flesh keep silence, and stand with fear and trembling; and let it take no thought for any earthly thing. For the King of Kings and Lord of Lords [Christ, our God] draweth near to be sacrificed and given as food to the faithful. Before Him go the choirs of angels with all the principalities and powers, the many-eyed cherubim and the six-winged seraphim, who cover their faces as they sing this hymn: Alleluia.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.
Let all mortal flesh keep silence, and stand with fear and trembling; and let it take no thought for any earthly thing. For the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Christ, our God draweth near to be sacrificed and given as food to the faithful. Before Him go the choirs of angels with all the principalities and powers, the many-eyed cherubim and the six-winged seraphim, who cover their faces as they sing this hymn: Alleluia.


The "Old Slavonic polyphony of the Passion service" is a triple-CD album which combines different Russian-Ukranian polyphonic styles from the XVI to XVIII centuries. The album lasts 180 minutes and consists of 25 tracks. All compositions except Track 1 of CD3 are first recordings.
This album demonstrates the widest range of Old Russian polyphonic repertoire ever recorded.

The subject of the chanted texts is the Passion of Christ, His Crucifixion, Death and Burial. There are the liturgical chants of Vespers and Matins for Good Friday, the Royal Hours and Easter Saturday.

The majority of compositions belongs to archaic Strochnoy and Demestvenny styles which were formed in the late XV century in Novgorod and spread throughout the realm of Muscovy during the reign of Ivan IV The Terrible, reaching their peak almost two centuries later towards the middle of the XVII century.

This majestic, meditative, and rather dissonant polyphony is in contrast with the Early Baroque style which flourished during the reign of Peter the Great. This style was developed by the musicians of Muscovy in collaboration with professional singers from Kiev, Vilnius and other cities of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. We call it a "Continuous polyphony", a polyphonic treatment of old melodies such as Znamenny, Demestvenny, Greek and Bulgarian chants. The style of continuous polyphony was a kind of a response and an alternative to the European baroque music based on polyphonic imitations and alternations of choral tutti and solo parts. There is evidence that Peter the Great gave preference to continuous polyphony; he himself chanted the bass part at the Divine Liturgy and commissioned his choirmasters to compose the polyphonic adaptations of Old Russian melodies.

In the mid XVIII century music in Russia started to change under the influence of Viennese "Mozartian" Western school. Not only the Strochnoy but also the "Continuous" polyphony was out of use and, thus, forgotten. This musical heritage was rediscovered in the late XX century.

The Strochnoy polyphony became well-known in 1990s due to the publication of transcriptions of the Russian musicologists and performances of two ensembles, namely Drevnerussky Raspev (conducted by Anatoly Grindenko) and Sirin (conducted by Andrei Kotov). But the music of Good Friday has unchanged to this day. Although this particular musical style, with its ascetic spirit, its sonority and richness of melismata, is mostly suitable for majestic and mournful services of Holy Week. The extreme difficulty of deciphering this Passion circle is rooted in the neumatic notation of two surviving manuscripts. Both of them were compiled in the middle of the XVII century, before the invention of specific signs indicating the sound pitch. Without these signs this notation could be read only by experts familiar with the entire system of polyphonic formulas, with its pitches and rhythmic structures.

Finally, all the chants were deciphered by Evgeny Skurat, director of the Chronos Ensemble. After the vocal score of the Passion was compiled, the Chronos Ensemble started recording this triple CD album in the Great Cathedral of Donskoy Monastery.

This album is the result of many years of hard work.


released January 3, 2020


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Evgeny Skurat - Chronos ensemble Katowice, Poland

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